Sunday, 20 April 2014

YWCA Toronto: I Can't Do This Alone

The back and forth behaviors of YWCA Toronto,how they speak with me, get me to do things they should be doing, along with the broken promises that get shoved aside in hopes I forget all need  politicians to monitor them and ensure the things I am asking for are legit, within their mandate and get done. I am not a walking consent form, I shouldn't have to share what they can easily find out for themselves but choose not to. Before I shared stuff on social media Valentines Day weekend, they told me they needed 2 weeks notice if I wanted someone attending meetings with me, but the Tuesday after, I was called for an impromptu meeting and couldn't bring anyone in short notice. Then the manager cornered me, and made me feel like she was punishing me as if I were her employee. All while one worker wasn't there despite several times telling me both workers had to be present for meetings. They also at one point kicked my brother out to meet in my apartment, then a worker brought her kid after saying a city councillor couldn't attend a meeting. They mocked my drinking on my property. They got into the lobby without me letting them in another time despite my wishes and after discussing, they saw I was upset so they were gonna cancel and bring it up at a later scheduled meeting. From the 2 weeks in between the toddler and next visit, there was no interaction whatsoever and when I inquired, all I got told was they were visiting other clients in the area. I learned last October my grocery store across the street was closing and immediately told YWCA, who still haven't found and put in place a solution to safely obtain groceries. I asked about a fire extinguisher and first aid kit and was told because of my love of social media I could look up myself how to obtain them. I've also tried asking them to help write a list of things to buy for my apartment, but they put that on my plate. The excuse is usually its not within the program mandate. At one point, I wanted to secretly record meetings but upon meeting, they inquired if I purchased one but still played the part. I never have holiday plans or dinners to attend so I ask that they ensure I have all I need before going home for the long weekends but they don't check my food supply. Referrals are usually me calling while they watch. Lise from MPP Eric Hoskins constituency office was the only one allowed so far to sit in on a meeting. The white erase board in their office used to have clients names and tasks to do with them on it. I knew mine by the issues listed. They claim the names were coded. My issues never got erased while others did. Then they wrote solutions to my problem on the board and didn't erase it until I freaked out. Not to mention attending a trip with the whole shelter to Centre Island and after noticing an intoxicated client, my worker told me to keep quiet. They claim they provide case management. I bring them housing related case management issues yet I am working my ass off risking my health in the process ensuring it gets done while they tend to other clients and get rewarded with a pay cheque. I could go on but if interested, let me know @politicalnative on Twitter

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