Back in 2009, I went to an Anishnawbe Health Toronto traditional healer. I was given my Spirit Name, Hummingbird Woman because of my free spirit. I was also given my colors. I was told that whenever I put tobacco down in prayer, there was nothing more powerful because of my connection. I can't begin to describe what happens once I've place my tobacco down in prayer. All I can say is I'm always left gobsmacked. For example, when NDP Leader Jack Layton passed away and his service was aired on tv, I went outside in full skirt and placed a tobacco tie under the trees on my property which I'd been caring for and brought back to life and I asked Creator to give me a sign that Jack had made it safely to the Spirit World and I didn't care if it was by having the wind blow through the tree or a squirrel. And before I placed the tobacco, two things happened. A squirrel went up the tree as the wind started blowing this particular tree. That's when I knew. Tears began forming in my eyes. And I also know that I'm speaking truth because a healer also told me that my throat hurts when I speak truth and my hurts constantly!! A lot of the things I have asked for (some without even having placed tobacco down) have come true much to my astonishment. Recently I've had dreams that have been inspiring but surprising because those sorts of dreams only come after I've inhaled the sage from smudging. I see things that will affect me or those I care about. The future.
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