Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Proposed Case Conference

I'm proposing that we have a case conference with the following people in attendance to address the issues that I've been having for 4 years.

1. Nadia Joy Fordham
2. YWCA Toronto MOH workers
3. Minister of Health Dr Eric Hoskins
5. Caitlyn Kasper, Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto
6. Two people of NADIA'S CHOICE
7. ODSP worker

I am available any day/time but we need a location and if this is approved,  I ask that attendance be mandatory for everyone

Nadia Joy Fordham

Ontario Ombudsman André Marin letter 2


I don't care if I'm not allowed to do this,  but I have stayed awake all night crying about my financial distress. I followed the advice of E.L. to share my suggestions with OPGT,  then got the letter I shared on Twitter. That letter prompted me to type up a blog post about the situation. And now I can't stop crying.
Years ago, I had a trustee who, for whatever reason, left me thousands of dollars behind in rental payments. Now the situation is different. Yet the promises to cut my weekly allowance or cancel my services are being tossed around as solutions to pay the bills. Normally I'd agree with that but when grocery money and laundry money come out of that, and not being able to eat impacts my health, I have huge issues with that. I've done everything I can possibly think of and yet, no matter what I tried, nothing is working. I spoke with L.F. because E.L. was on holidays,  and we figured that they were using the letter to scare me. Well, they got me. However, if they had just listened to me, taken me seriously, and worked out a reasonable budget,  this wouldn't have happened. However, I am, as you know, a product of the government. People are always so shocked to hear about my situation because everything always links back to the government and always sees me in a serious financial situation where I never have enough money for groceries or enough money to do my laundry which I am now forced to do in my bathtub. Luckily for me, the Ontario Health Minister Dr Eric Hoskins can deal with my current #YWCAToronto MOH funded program workers and both L.F and E.L have been amazing in dealing with the #OPGT office but I'm not sure if ODSP can also be a part of the discussion and I just recently closed the hardest chapter of my life, and am very much still going through the emotions. I don't need or deserve the kinds of abuse that I have been receiving from anyone I've mentioned. I have lived with many levels of discomfort and segregation as a result of the color of my skin for years, and ever since I moved to the city, I've managed to overcome many obstacles. But with the changes in time on every level, I am not willing to continue the fight on my own.
I'm not quite sure what it is I'm looking for, I think I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. You are free to disregard this or use it to help.
Thanks/Miigwetch André
Nadia Joy Fordham

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Financial Distress Dec 30,2014

Okay, so I waited from May until last week to get the cleaners here. Despite being honest with workers about the state of my apartment. After the fact. I only made a mess because I had no furniture to make my apartment look like something I'd want to live in and I was honest about it to workers. I reached out to them for help with getting it cleaned up. Unfortunately my file with Storefront Humber closed because I wasn't always home because I was doing the work of my workers who accused me of not trusting them to do their job or asking them for help but never made themselves available to help. So the file closed. And garbage bags started piling up. The smells weren't nice. It affected my mental state of mind. I kept trying to get things taken care of but no matter what I tried nothing was done. It wasn't until I met with the Health Minister Dr Eric Hoskins and expressed frustrations about everything on Twitter that I started to get things done. But now because I haven't got my computer hooked up, I have been using excessive amounts of data on my phone while waiting for someone to hook it up again. And I got a letter from the OPGT today saying that my Rogers bill was $510.74 and $195 of it was the data usage over the limit. September 30 I was given a letter from OPGT saying my plan only allows 300MB free data and I used 3.55 GB more than what was offered by the plan. My trustee said she'd have to considerably cut my weekly allowance in order to pay it or cancel their services as my budget doesn't allow such high expenses. But when I wanted to switch to Rogers I asked for help to search for the best phone plan to suit my needs. I didn't get that help. But I asked. I wanted my place clean before the computer got hooked up, but once it was, I'd hoped that I wouldn't have to use my phone data. But each request got ignored and now all workers fingers are pointing at me like its all my fault. Now when I could be on the verge of moving, I'm going to be in debt.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

December 25, 2011

My mom was fighting for full custody of my then 6 month old niece when I moved to the city in 2007.

She got custody. And I tried to be supportive. I didn't want to think of the truths. I wanted to have time.

But each time I would have to leave to go back to the shelter, I had these feelings I couldn't explain.

It wasn't until my niece came up to me claiming to be scared that I realized that something was wrong. I tried to inquire about her fears but my mom was there trying to silence us.

I started to pay more attention to what was going on around me whenever I was with the family.

I went to my mom's after discharging myself from a shelter after being physically assaulted under surveillance cameras by my deaf roommate and my mom physically assaulted me upon mentioning the incident. I remember feeling like I was going to end up being another First Nations statistic because after I walked out of the building I was feeling suicidal knowing my niece was still inside the apartment.

I was in daily contact with Native Child and Family Services of Toronto. It wasn't until the fateful day of May 20, 2009 that our family changed forever.

When my firstborn nephew was born my sister and I weren't talking to each other. But when I had a note to call my mom and got the news that my nephew was rushed to the Hospital for Sick Children, I lost it. I hadn't met him before then. I met him two days after my birthday on May 27. Surprisingly my mom was in charge of supervising all family visits.

While this was going on, my niece was at her paternal grandparents place.

Afterwards my mom's mental health issues were clearly displayed. The concern I had only escalated.

I went to her place for Thanksgiving October 10th,  and the following Friday morning, I attended a group at NCFST. The energy I was picking up was unsettling. I remember waking up that morning sweating and it felt like something or someone was tugging at my arm. I was crying. So when I got to NCFST, I was beyond myself.

I was heading to a traditional native healing lodge for the week. That night,  though parts are vivid, I had a hard time sleeping. Everyone said it was because I was in a different bed. I would've believed them but with my connection to Creator and my family's history, that didn't make any sense. What I do remember is the sweats, the hands, the clamping of a mouth, and the screaming. I couldn't focus on the groups. I needed to get home. Something was wrong.

When I wanted to go to the bank, when I returned, I chose to go to the location near NCFST. I looked across to see the building. I didn't expect family to be there but I noticed my sister was standing outside the building. I thought maybe I was just tired. She saw me and waved me over. I went.

She told me my niece escaped from the building and that did it for me. I remember saying "if this doesn't wake Native Child up, I don't know what will".

From then until December 31, I was in direct contact with the workers. December 25, I was home doing nothing. I decided to go for a walk. My aunt called me while I was out. I called her back. She told me about the cops responding to a call about my niece who approached someone she knew asking for help. And how this person called police saying she knew her but that she didn't know where my mom and sister were. My niece was placed in the back of the police cruiser and driven back to my mom's house and upon entry into the building, they knocked on the door and when my mom answered the door, they asked if she was her granddaughter. My mom said yes and the cop asked if my niece could go inside. My mom said that if she left she was obviously not happy there so she wasn't welcome to come back inside. She didn't want her there. So the cops placed her in the back of the cruiser and drove her to an emergency foster home. When NCFST reopened, I was just trying to sleep because December 24-28, I refused to eat, sleep, and drink anything. But when I got the call to watch her while the adults discussed the paperwork, I rushed down. I can't even describe the ordeal. She wasn't herself. She was clingy. She freaked out if anyone in her family left the room. She was supposed to return to the foster home but I convinced NCFST to let her go home with her dad and his family. December 31, she was placed in a joint custody arrangement with her dad and his parents. I only had access until May of 2012. We were inseparable. She knew I'd never let her down. She trusted me.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

YWCA Toronto Min of Health South Etobicoke Mental Health & Housing Rent Supplement Prgm

While I am not yet certain that I am moving in January, what I am certain of is that I am absolutely grateful to Premier Kathleen Wynne for appointing Dr Eric Hoskins as the Health Minister of Ontario.

Before you get your panties in a wad, let me explain why. I know Torontonians are sick of hearing the words "For four years", but unfortunately I have to use those words.

For four years, I have been put through absolute hell. I made sure my requests were reasonable. I tried to be nice. I waited. But the workers continually changed. And I'd be stuck repeating myself and having to do their job for them. When it got to be too much, I had unique ways of letting them know. But of course my ways were met with accusations and intimidation. I always had to apologize for my behaviors while they continually treated me with the utmost disrespect that never gets mentioned.

I won't specify the comments, requests, or other specific details that happened in the four years. I can only share with you some scenarios in which I felt like I was in an abusive relationship with them.

Starting off the list would be the time a worker stood at my door and told me my brother and his then pregnant girlfriend had to leave because they were meeting with me and discussing confidential information. Or how about the time when I had to escort a worker out of the building because she refused to stop inquiring about a sensitive subject. Or the time when my former superintendent approached me to ask me if this specific worker owned the whole building. Or how about the time when I broke my arm walking to the station near their now old office and had to have CCAC help me?? Or when I voluntarily signed myself out of the program because I was just too exhausted doing everything for everyone?? When I had to sign back in to the program, I had to meet with the workers and the program manager. I tried to bring a city councillor but he wasn't able to come because YWCA Toronto prevented it from happening. Or what about the time when Hurricane Sandy hit and we had no power?? Do you think they helped?? No of course they didn't. They never helped me when I asked. Only if a lawyer or someone from the community asked them to. These issues repeated for the first two years. When I signed back into the program, everything picked up right where they left off. So I'm sure you can imagine how angry I was at this point. But calling both Ombudsman offices, our respective councillors, MPPs, I finally met with Dr Eric Hoskins. To be honest with you, I'm not sure why he was so eager to help me. I still appreciate it though. Without his help, I probably wouldn't be able to share this blog post with you.

I used every technique I could think of when dealing with them but nothing was working. I would have gone to a crisis centre but when I accessed one previously, they picked me up and basically shut down any suggestions on how to help me move forward. I was feeling trapped. And I knew that First Nations people were treated differently than the rest of the population. I remember feeling like I was going to end up being another First Nations statistic which is what I've tried so hard to not become. But I also knew of the reputation YWCA Toronto had. So I was absolutely gobsmacked about what steps I was willing to make in order to get the help that I knew I deserved. I would pull all nighters writing, thinking and trying to get things accomplished because I knew it would never get done if I didn't do it. My health wasn't the greatest. I tried asking for help with getting groceries but they weren't listening to what I was asking for.

When I took my first vacation home, I knew that when I returned I would be picking up right where I left off which wasn't what I was looking forward to. In that trip, I got incredibly homesick and toyed around with the idea of moving back home. A few trips later and I was hooked. I got the ball rolling on this project. It is still ongoing. Then Christmas 2013 came. I am obviously bouncing around here but as I mentioned I am not divulging every single detail over a four year span.

I didn't have enough food for the holidays and didn't enjoy a nice Christmas dinner. All I got was directions to places that offered Christmas dinners. I remained at home.

January came. That's when everything took an unexpected turn. Everything I thought I knew about the program and workers and the supposed rules we both had to follow basically went to hell in a hand basket.

Ok so by now you know that I did the usual steps, reached out, and we went back and forth regarding the rules of the program. I would call them out on any rules they tried to break. One of my rules was to call upon arrival so I could let them in the building. My other rule was to give me 2 weeks notice if they were bringing someone with them. A lot of my rules were the exact same as theirs. So January. They come for a check in to see how things are going. Only they didn't come alone. One worker brought her toddler. Yup. That's right. A toddler. But if you remember correctly, I wasn't allowed to have a city councillor attend a meeting to support me. But a worker could unexpectedly bring her kid to my apartment!! Okay then. When the toddler became fussy, the worker took him outside. The other worker remained. She plopped herself in my chair, legs dangling over the side as if it was her place. I should mention that I had at one point given them permission to read tweets where I was asking for help, and after a grocery shopping trip in a snow storm, I took to Twitter to vent my frustrations. Which resulted in an impromptu meeting with the workers and the program manager. And of course I shared with them my frustration over the many incidents that not only troubled me but many others. This is where I was bullied into apologizing for singling workers by name on Twitter. Of course I tried calling them out on their bullying tactics but it only escalated the situation further. Nothing was working. I wasn't eating or sleeping and my temper was only getting worse. I went back to my usual contacts who offered what they could. But it wasn't enough. I suggested to a trusted friend that it didn't make sense to me to not have a doctor as the Minister of Health. I went on and on. My magic must've worked because before I knew it, there was Premier Wynne announcing that the new Health Minister was going to be Dr Eric Hoskins!! I lost my marbles!! I was so gobsmacked I didn't know what to do with myself!! Of course I chose to take to Twitter. Enter #YWCAToronto.

I used this hashtag and shared with my followers my journey. I started asking them to re tweet and share my story. I wanted it known that this well known organization wasn't everything it painted itself out to be. I even started tweeting conversation pieces and recording meetings. I found my voice.

I can't really pinpoint when I first noticed the changes within the program but I was extremely reluctant to buy into them.

Okay I know I said I wouldn't go into specifics but well, hey if the YWCA Toronto workers aren't doing as they said they would, so can I!!

So we have the worker refusing to meet with my brother and his then pregnant girlfriend in my unit, the time a worker was escorted off the property, the time they said a city councillor couldn't attend a meeting to support me, but she was able to bring her toddler to my home, or the trip to Centre Island and being told to be quiet upon discovering an intoxicated client, or the bullying/intimidation meeting, or how both workers must be present for all meetings and appointments yet I've had both where there's only one and the excuse is that there was no other time available. Or when I had my incident on October 30th and they unexpectedly showed up despite my banning them from the property to see me and then the next day only one came. And when I went there, yea they were in their god awful long staff meeting. But my point of them coming unexpectedly twice despite the ban to drop off the notes got them to meet with me. They used to try blaming everything on the Ministry of Health but once they realized I had a connection to the Health Minister, they shockingly didn't use it anymore!! The night of October 30th, I, in the condition I was in, provided contact information for workers. And shortly after, I discovered that the workers were documenting lies because Ontario Ombudsman staff confirmed that they never spoke with workers about my struggles with suicide. So with this development, I recently decided to block the communication further. Not only did they not have access to my unit, they didn't have my new phone number and now they were banned from any form of communication with the Ontario Ombudsman contact as well as my ODSP and OPGT workers. I felt that if they were going to bully, control, use and abuse my sources, instead of doing their job to help me, I would cut off the communication so that it would be harder for them to do their job because they had wasted four years of my life, my time doing nothing for me while I was out everyday risking my health. But of course the little weasels had to update housing applications and needed my new phone number. But now when we meet, I remind them who the Health Minister is and my connection. And I remind them that they are visiting me in my home.

I realize I may be leaving the program in January, but that doesn't mean that I am going to stop ensuring that future First Nations clients of the program get the treatment that they deserve.

While I find it encouraging that the Minister of Health Dr Eric Hoskins is closely monitoring my use of social media, I am also touched that during our recent meeting where he popped in unexpectedly, his first question to me was to ask about the YWCA issues I have been dealing with for four years. It's a well known fact that if you create a Top 10 Shit List, and place his name beside each number, and then share it on Twitter, he pops into your meeting and shares that he really doesn't like the list. I also know he's very reasonable. I have met with him twice and both times I got him to reverse his answers!!

So not only did I get what I wanted, I also managed to see a different side of the Ontario Health Minister. Oh and of course, I finally got YWCA Toronto workers doing their job (with the Health Minister's help of course!!)

My only hope now is that whatever workers arrange with their clients they stick with whatever is arranged. But should issues arise, instead of brushing the concerns off as though their feelings don't matter, they address the problem from the beginning so it doesn't derail things. If you treat one client differently than the others, but adamantly deny that you do, you're not going to build their trust. Respect their situation. Rules. Homes. Let them bring people to meetings. It's their case management!! And seriously do something about the staff meetings. I seriously don't see how shelter staff need to share the staff meeting with the program that's not even in the same building!! You may also want to revisit how long the meetings should be. Or whether both workers need to be present for all meetings and appointments. I think it would be better to split the caseload so workers had time to meet the needs of the clients including any meetings and appointments. And seriously no more making the program workers do shift work in the shelter part of the YWCA. By the way these gobsmackingly are you freaking kidding me how could you be so dumb as to not already have these ideas in place ideas are ideas which I've also repeated over the past four years. I also suggested that the program start up cooking and other life skills classes to help improve the quality of life for clients because if they promote empowerment, but aren't doing anything to show for it, how is anyone going to believe that they are capable of doing so?? I also suggested having tenant meetings to give clients the opportunity to meet each other and share concerns about the program.

But now that my time might be coming to an end, I am finished with doing their work and I'm finished with trying to find ways to improve their services.

My only other suggestions are to update the website information because whatever the program is called (I was given three names but the one in the title is most recent version) there's no information on this specific program so if people want to help YWCA and learn more about the services they provide including the programs that are not directly on the property but very much a part of the YWCA, right now they can't get the information so then the blame falls on (apparently) the Ministry of Health. They are aware of my recommendations because I have a hard time shutting my mouth.

I sincerely hope that you take into consideration the recommendations I have shared with you, and I hope that any future clients utilize the right to share their frustration as well as get the best possible support because when fleeing whatever brought these women to the YWCA, that in and of itself is courage, but then to leave after getting back on track it can be a very scary time and these women need encouragement, not workers who bully, intimidate, control or neglect them. After all those are some of the reasons why they ended up at the YWCA in the first place.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

My First Nations Opinion

People get their panties in a wad over my rage over things that come ever so easily for them. I get distressed over being accused, neglected, abused.

Living in society as a disabled First Nations woman isn't easy. Especially when you don't have a strong support system in place. But the second I let my guard down and share my thoughts and struggles, the trolls appear to do more damage to my already damaged soul as if I don't have their permission to exist. Newsflash: I'm no more excited than trolls over the fact that I exist. And while I have every right to blame my "parents", NOBODY has the right to trash me for something so far beyond my control. I was raised to believe if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say it at all.

Although I don't have to justify myself to anyone, I am not that stereotype society created of Aboriginal people. I do drink but not that often. I don't smoke at all. If I do drink, I still get up for meetings the next day. I am on ODSP. I don't receive benefits. I am getting my status card soon but I don't think I'll use it often. I don't want to hear the whispers.

I'm tired of the negativity towards Aboriginal people. We spend so much of our lives defending our rights, freedoms and whether anyone likes it or not, our land. Yes we are entitled to defend our rights. We have the same rights as the rest of you.

I'm also tired of the segregation. And how divided we are on whether to include non aboriginals in Native work places and vice versa. The anger I have is with those who say everyone is welcome then makes natives feel so unwelcome they leave. This results in alcohol use, suicide and criminal activity.
Why you feel the need to put us in such positions is far beyond my comprehension. So I have a question for you.
What did we do to deserve this treatment?? I realize the government's plan was to "kill the Indian in the child", but why? To me all that shows is that you think you're all better than us. Without giving us a chance. That's the way children behave.

I'm sorry you're upset over us raising our voices over issues that matter. Does this mean my people and I will stop? No. I have my rights the same as all of you. And if you were as focused on the issues we are discussing that impact you too as you are on trying to silence us and pretend these issues don't exist, we wouldn't be having this discussion!!

The treatment of Aboriginal people and even Black people is so important and there needs to be an open, honest discussion about working together to create inclusion instead of segregation/exclusion. If you disagree, don't be a part of the discussion. If you are going to be a problem, you have no right being part of the solution. God/Creator created us too. We deserve to do the same as you. We deserve all the things you deserve. And we don't deserve all the same things you don't deserve.

Earlier this week I issued a challenge to my followers to have a discussion about the struggles of First Nations people to hear directly from them their stories and opinions. I don't know if anyone has taken me up on my challenge but I am doing what I can despite the fact I believe the challenge should come from non natives so that Natives feel welcome and see that, hey there are people interested in the struggles my community has faced.

The other day I was on TTC wearing my Native Pride hat and because of my health, I tried to get a seat. I was pushed aside and fell and I heard someone say that because I'm native, I fell because I was intoxicated which was not true. Whenever I'm on the Bloor Danforth subway line platform, I take it upon myself to educate riders by walking on the yellow line. Why? Because I think people need a wake up/shake up. In the years I've done this experiment, I'd say in the past year, more people move back to give me space. I also put my hand out in front when exiting the train because people just trample, they don't care. They want to get home or to their destination. To hell with whomever stands in their way. Or my favorite? Crowding the doors. When I do it to show them what they are doing, if looks could kill, let's just say I'd be dead.

Why am I sharing these experiences? Because of the double standard effect. Why are these behaviors acceptable for all of you but god forbid a Native does it!! Although this comparison between Natives and society is so exhausting, its even more exhausting to live it daily for years and only a small portion of society is listening to us, supporting us and trying to learn more about our culture to help us. These people are not being bribed. They are just trying to do the right thing.

From recent headlines and history, its clear that the relationship between the government and First Nations is strained. Our issues only get mentioned once in awhile. No real action taken. There's no real "#winning". That's why we protest. Raise our voices. Take action. We don't sit around like some people believe we do.

On the other hand, the relationship between First Nations people, especially women, and the police could also use improvements. As someone who has been on both sides, as a person against and as a supporter, I've had many encounters with the police and until recently, it was all resolved and things were good. While I can't get into too much detail, what I can say is that I am not happy with the way they are doing their job. I've never been carded. I've never been in jail. I was telling someone the other day I think if a woman is in distress and cops are called, the cops responding should be female. It could be a different outcome than my situation. And using cuffs during a call to transfer someone to the hospital because she's distressed and suffering already is a bit over the top. I admit I went the discrimination route and took it to an unnecessary level, but what I endured should never have happened. I could have been seriously injured. Was it my fault I was suffering, in distress and traumatized thinking about triggers and had to be escorted by police to the hospital?? Did I deserve more punishment added to my years of trauma?? From my experience, it was hard to interact with cops after and it remains hard to this day. These are the same officers who investigate the many Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women cases. These officers are the same officers who don't do the same for Native women reporting sexual assaults. There's no faith in any of these areas I've covered.

When there's no faith in the government or law enforcement, our statistics increase because if they don't care about us why should we care about ourselves? We are victims of the society bullies. We deserve people who support us to be by our side to educate and improve the relationship between the government and the police. No race deserves to suffer in silence. But should you read this article and shrug or trash talk it, just remember, you could've been the person behind the change we all want.

We owe it to future generations to improve the quality of life because we've all seen enough violence. We've known ignorance. We've known abuse.

Now is our time to rise up against it and reclaim our voices!!

Who's with me??

Friday, 21 November 2014

Things I Need For My Apartment

Small area rug for just inside the door
Wall hooks for jackets
Shoe rack
Small table for keys/mail
Coffee table
Throw pillows for couch/chairs
Dishes-plates, glasses,mugs, bowls, serving platters DESPERATE
Trash/recycling baskets
Oven mitts
Dish towels
Mixing bowls DESPERATE
Cutting boards
Ice cube tray
Hand mixers
Can opener (wall) DESPERATE
Sharp knives DESPERATE
Serving spoons
Area rugs
Shower curtain
Shower caddy
Bath mats
Towels (blue black brown and red)
Mattress and box spring
Sheets/comforter DESPERATE
Flashlights DESPERATE

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Shit List November 13 2014

1. Stephen Harper
2. The Fords
3. Jay Lomax
5. Superintendent
6. Toronto Police 22 Division
7. St Joseph's Health Centre
8. Aboriginal Affairs
9. #YWCAToronto
10. Dr Eric Hoskins

Friday, 7 November 2014

Unexpected YWCAToronto visit

I arrived home today, November 6, 2014, to find a YWCA Toronto envelope at my door. On October 30, last week, I was hospitalized for a meltdown. The YWCA responded only today!! A week later!!
Before sharing the loveliness of the letter, there's a few facts you must know.

1. YWCAToronto has a habit of telling me the program rules then breaks them and upon being called on them they say they are sorry for breaking MY rules. One of which we both agreed was not showing up to see me unexpectedly.
2. Their only responsibility is making rental payments. The most asked question I get was what do they do for me??
3. They have been denied entry to my building to see me. On more than one occasion.

Hi Nadia,
We were made aware of recent concern regarding your mental health and we would really like to connect with you in person to help you access support services and to go over the extreme clean options.
I'm gonna stop here.
Back to the letter.
We are trying to respect your wish that we do not show up unannounced but due to recent events (MELTDOWN HOSPITALIZATIONS ARE EVENTS NOW?????) it was necessary today.
Would you be available to meet on Wednesday November 12 at 12 noon at YWCA Toronto (again I'd be catering to them)
Please email or call to let us know if this time works for you or to suggest a time that does work. (They know I have no phone and this is catering to them)
Nadia I have also included some information on the Gerstein Centre an organization that helps people who are experiencing mental health crisis. The crisis line is open 24hrs a day for support. YOU ARE ALSO ALWAYS WELCOME TO CALL US FOR SUPPORT. (1.ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME????????????????? 2. THEY KNOW MY HISTORY WITH GERSTEIN)

416-923-8454 x 437
80 Woodlawn Ave East
Toronto Ontario
M4T 1C1

Monday, 3 November 2014

October 30, 2014

I sent a few tweets to Ontario's Health Minister Dr Eric Hoskins that were suicide related and upon leaving City Hall, feeling calmer and not as hungry, I arrived home to find a police cruiser outside my building. They were there for me. They received the call from the ministry regarding my tweets. After I tried unsuccessfully to convince them I was ok, which they weren't buying, I grew increasingly frustrated. After a few minutes I went upstairs to my unit and smashed some plates. Because I was not happy. The original plan was to go home, and bathe. But the Minister and Toronto Police interfered which only added to my stress. That's when they came up and demanded I go with them to the hospital which I attempted to refuse so they restrained me ignoring my screams they were hurting my head which they later said they never touched it. Next thing I knew I was being handcuffed and escorted to the back of the cruiser. I managed to pull the cuffs off first then they tightened them and left marks. They had told me they'd remove the cuffs when I got in the cruiser. That didn't happen. They told me they'd remove them after I was checked in. That didn't happen. They noticed I'd calmed down but waited until I grew increasingly impatient before setting a new time which I took as an intimidation tactic. So I played along. I probably shouldn't have because I took it to a whole new level of discrimination. The cops also said it was my choice if I wanted to leave once I was registered. I was then escorted to the mental health emergency services unit part of the hospital. Where again I was not happy about having to stay. I kept fighting the staff (scratched 1 guard, bit another, kicked a cop and grabbed the other cop's parts) so I was placed in another restraint and this time hospital security joined the staff in holding me down to strap me up. Each time I tried to see what was happening, the hospital security guard who happened to be black, would put his hand over my face adding pressure to the tube going down the side of my neck on the same side as my shunt. I tried telling them about it but they said it wasn't hurting it. Then twice the nurse strapped my stomach area so tight making it hard to breathe which security agreed with. The second time she took longer to fix it because she didn't believe me.
Now. Keeping in mind there were 2 male police officers and 2 male security officers and only one female nurse dealing with me a person struggling with mental health especially PTSD and had long experienced great amounts of distress toward men. In trying to calm me down, the next thing I remember is the guard undoing my pants and when I tried to look to see what was going on, he slammed his hand shoving my face down and put his hand over my face so I couldn't see. From the little I could see, my pants were undone and the men in uniform were over top of me. Imagine how, if you were me, a 31 year old First Nations woman with no family or support, what that moment must've felt like for me.
That is why Health Minister Dr Eric Hoskins took most of the spots on my ShitList last week. 

Thursday, 30 October 2014

My experience with sexual encounters

My adoptive dad made me sleep beside him while he was naked in his bed.
While driving, I had to hold his hand as he shifted gears. If I refused I had to sit in the backseat behind him so he could see me
I reported many sexual assaults to police without any course of action
I had a stalker during my time in a homeless shelter during the infamous garbage strike which lasted for 3 days, 2 of which I was coming back from same area and third day a new direction to try throwing the guy off guard
A Furniture Bank delivery guy groped my ass each time he dropped furniture off to my new apartment yet nothing was done. So when I hosted a second housewarming and only another First Nations guy showed up, I was troubled. And upon describing what transpired, was it reported to police who again did nothing. Now I make sure I'm in public.
With respect to my adoptive dad, I reported it to CAS who inquired and I got punished and they were told that it was all in my head. So now I have serious trust and insecurity issues resulting in eating disorder behaviors.

Shit List October 30 2014

1. Ministry of Health
2. Dr Eric Hoskins
3. Ministry of Health
4. Dr Eric Hoskins
5. Ministry of Health
6. John Tory
7. Stephen Fuckface Harper
8. Dr Eric Hoskins
9. Mark Tishman
10. Ministry of Health

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

My letter to Councillor elect Justin DiCiano

As a 31 year old disabled First Nations client of YWCA Toronto, and a resident of your ward, I am sending this letter in a blog post because I feel I have done so much more than I've received from YWCA Toronto muchless anyone else in my life and it's really starting to  take its toll on me and my health which I rightfully believe is not fair.
Now, I must tell you that I am extremely happy that I got the candidate for councillor that I hoped for. I am willing to work with you, which, I am sure Peter Milczyn can tell you, is a very surprising, but bold move considering he never stood a chance at winning me over. Just wait until he discovers I also visit Queens Park!! I was also pleasantly surprised when you followed me on Twitter then favorited my drumming song I tweeted you the other day. I have found comfort in using Twitter as my sounding board engaging with police officials, government officials and have built a strong reputation as a strong advocate for myself, my building and others.
I was not always this outspoken, driven, or politically active. I was a shy girl who kept to myself. I kept silent about my troubles. I did what I was told and if I didn't, I suffered several forms of abuse. My family situation was different. I was adopted into a white family home. When I was 11, my adoptive parents divorced. I struggled to come to terms with that as well as my eldest adoptive brother going off to university. All of this led to pill popping. Pulling all nighters. Slipping up in grades. After 3 years of being tossed to 2 London Ontario group homes because my adoptive dad couldn't care for me anymore, I was sent to community living for 6 years. Then I moved to Toronto after I discovered my birthmom was alive and was instantly homeless when she claimed to not have room which later was translated to mean her addictions would've been revealed.
Why is this important? I'm sharing my most vulnerable side to provide you with as much information as possible so that, within your role as my new councillor, we can work together with my workers to shape my future into something I can be proud of.
Maybe I'm in way over my head. Maybe this is not what I should be doing. But can you really blame me for trying considering as First Nations people, we are often left to fend for ourselves?
I've shared some of my blog posts regarding my newly former property management, my never-ending unsolvable struggles with YWCA Toronto, ODSP, OPGT and the toll of Peter Milczyn's decisions to destroy my Stonegate Plaza which he told me about last October. The destruction began in July I believe. The grocery store closed in February. Sobeys is expensive. I am not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting yet, after many failed attempts to set things up so groceries are delivered, I am carrying groceries home after buying only as much as I can carry, which I prefer to call my college student diet. I shared those blog posts with Minister Dr Eric Hoskins who is a friend and the minister of health which provides YWCA Toronto the funding for the program I'm in. I have tried to talk to United Way because YWCA Toronto is under their umbrella. However my struggles continue piling up and I'm only able to use my phone to access internet because I haven't been able to pay my bill. I am working with my friend Ontario Ombudsman André Marin's staff as well as OPGT and Aboriginal Legal Services to  address these things. However I also live in bad conditions because my apartment has garbage scattered, because of things already mentioned as well as the fact that when my apartment is cleaned, it looks empty. Storefront Humber closed my file because I kept missing appointments because I was doing everything because everyone including me knows YWCA Toronto is clearly neglecting my case. My lawyer has been amazing but without a phone, I'm traveling everyday and after being apart of the Rob Ford and Doug Ford Must Go sit in, I am extremely exhausted and feel those who are paid to take care of these things and accuse me of not trusting them to do their job should be doing these things however that's not happening. I don't know if this is getting my message across in the way I had hoped it would. I understand I'm an adult and need to do some things for myself but the workers need to stop flip flopping about what their responsibilities are and totally disrespecting me, my situation, my feelings and my home.
YWCA Toronto 416-923-8454 Ashley Nelson or Ashley Brown ext 437/443
OPGT Olga Statkevich 416-314-3787
ODSP Keshia Alleyn 416-314-5040
ALST Caitlin Kasper 416-408-4041
Elana Laiken (Ombudsman staff) 416-586-3521
And yes I give full consent for you once your settled in at city hall to contact the above people to make inquiries.
I look forward to working with you. I hope to hear from you soon.
Congratulations Councillor DiCiano!!!
Nadia Joy Fordham
203-2 Kinsdale Blvd
Etobicoke ON
M8Y 1T7

Monday, 27 October 2014

My Connection to Creator

Back in 2009, I went to an Anishnawbe Health Toronto traditional healer. I was given my Spirit Name, Hummingbird Woman because of my free spirit. I was also given my colors. I was told that whenever I put tobacco down in prayer, there was nothing more powerful because of my connection. I can't begin to describe what happens once I've place my tobacco down in prayer. All I can say is I'm always left gobsmacked. For example, when NDP Leader Jack Layton passed away and his service was aired on tv, I went outside in full skirt and placed a tobacco tie under the trees on my property which I'd been caring for and brought back to life and I asked Creator to give me a sign that Jack had made it safely to the Spirit World and I didn't care if it was by having the wind blow through the tree or a squirrel. And before I placed the tobacco, two things happened. A squirrel went up the tree as the wind started blowing this particular tree. That's when I knew. Tears began forming in my eyes. And I also know that I'm speaking truth because a healer also told me that my throat hurts when I speak truth and my hurts constantly!! A lot of the things I have asked for (some without even having placed tobacco down) have come true much to my astonishment. Recently I've had dreams that have been inspiring but surprising because those sorts of dreams only come after I've inhaled the sage from smudging. I see things that will affect me or those I care about. The future.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Meeting my nephew at Toronto Sick Kids Hospital for first time

May 20, 2009 is a day I'll never forget. Though I didn't find out anything until the next day. I was at Fred Victor Shelter on Caledonia in Toronto. My birthday was the following Monday. I had just came in from a walk with my then boyfriend. I noticed a note on the window of the staff office for me. That almost never happened. I asked for it. My mom wanted me to call her. That almost never happened. Staff came out and explained my mom asked that I call  with staff. That was weird. But I called in the office. No answer. I left a message. I went for a walk to the nearest payphone cuz I figured she'd answer. I was right. She asked if I was sitting down. I looked around. No seat. So I squatted. Told her I was sitting. Then she told me something had happened. I immediately thought my sister had gotten into trouble. Or my niece was hurt. Then she told me to be quiet. Then she said Shane (my nephew) at 2 months old had been rushed to Toronto SickKids hospital the night before. We talked about the events leading up to the incident and my sisters irresponsibilities in raising a child and started coming up with theories. I went numb. I began crying hysterically. I walked back to the shelter almost getting hit by oncoming traffic because I was crying too hard to be able to see. When my boyfriend saw me he let me have a moment in the outdoor smoking area then approached me. The minute he grabbed me from behind I crumbled and instantly tears turned to anger towards my sister. My mom had a room at the hospital to monitor family visits especially my sister and his father. I was introduced to my nephew for the first time on May 27, 2009. Seeing him try to fight with the machines around him....I can't....I can't describe it. I learned my sisters foster brother was charged. It wasn't until 2011 when I got the call that after continually searching the crime scene the police charged my sisters friends boyfriend, who, conveniently for me, stupid for him, revealed some extremely incriminating details during the trial of the foster brother that troubled me and made me think he'd done it but I didn't want to interfere. This incident is what damaged my  visions of the family I longed for. Forever. And I'm damaged. Forever.

Saturday, 4 October 2014


Back on August 29, I had an allergic reaction to something yet to be named. Then things went from bad to worse. I noticed my heart going faster. My hands were tingly and felt like they were on fire. Then my feet went the same way. I could barely hold things in my hands. Then my hands went numb. I wasn't sleeping. Unable to eat. Sweating profusely. Clammy at times. Dizzy and lightheaded other times. Extremely agitated. Extremely impatient even more than I normally am!! My doctor is sending me for an EMG. I have been extremely anxious and vulnerable. I have huge problems with the unknown and so for me, not knowing what's wrong or what to do to feel better is excruciatingly uncomfortable. I had an incident recently where I was bathing and had what I think was a panic attack despite no obvious signs of anxiety. The walking is off balance. It hurts to breathe. My chest area hurts. I had assumed it was my shunt. I thought that because of the similarities especially regarding urinary frequency and extreme thirst.
I've never had heart problems. I am absolutely petrified. And alone.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Toronto's Homeless Shelters

From 2007-2010, I bounced back and forth between Mary's Home, Evangeline, Women's Residence, Florence Booth, Fred Victor Bethlehem United, and YWCA Toronto.
Mary's Home discharged me for refusing to clean the crap off the floor left from my roommate. Evangeline discharged me because I argued with my roommate. Women's Residence discharged me the first time because I didn't like the males working there. Florence Booth discharged me the first time because of eye surgery. Fred Victor discharged me the first time because I was going to live with my sister. Then when that didn't work out, I went to Women's Residence and after awhile I got discharged for wearing MOCCASIN slippers in the dining area while other residents wore next to nothing or pjs!! And I was also discharged I'm betting because I had residents who were defending me with a staffer who went out of her way to get in mine and out me using her supervisor. Back to Florence Booth where by this time staff sat behind a desk the whole shift looking dazed and confused refusing to do anything else. And upon a medical emergency with a resident they did nothing as residents did all they could!! I got discharged for bringing it to management and Shelter Standards who did nothing. Went back to Women's Residence where I was discharged for NOT GIVING $5 TO A RESIDENT FOR THE BROKEN WATCH SHE GAVE ME!! Not to worry I let then councillor Adam Vaughan's office know along with telling them of the broken elevator that was broken for over 20 years!! 2weeks later getting my stuff they asked why I was going towards the stairs and mentioned the elevator had been fixed a week ago!! Lol. Then I went to Fred Victor. Staff ignoring my sexual assault while medicated, ignoring my witnessing a drunk guy in shelter causing his girlfriend to miscarry, my physical assault UNDER SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS, staff verbally abusing residents, staff eating residents food saved for dinner, then locking themselves in staff office and laughing as they ate them, sneaking deaf roommate back in after she assaulted me, saying it was extreme cold weather then refusing to discharge her once lifted, a student tried bringing our concerns to staff which resulted in him being let go, the staff condoned discrimination against First Nations residents. Went back to Florence Booth where a resident would watch people change, hovering over us, even as we slept, sometimes holding LIT CANDLES over us and upon reporting it we were told she wouldn't be discharged because we didn't like her. Back to Fred Victor. The staff I liked before we're either gone or downright nasty. A lot more fights were happening. So I forced myself to leave and stay in the bus shelter at 595 Bay Street until I went to YWCA Toronto. And you all know how that's going!!

Monday, 29 September 2014

Another YWCA Toronto Post

YWCA Toronto
1. Supposed to be 1yr
2. Worker tried controlling role of former superintendent
3. Tried telling my brother and his then pregnant girlfriend they couldn't stay in my apartment while I met with them
4. Asked for my file repeatedly with them providing many excuses
5. Asked repeatedly for a fire extinguisher and up until recently was told they'd look into it
6. Never have supplies for long weekends, holidays or inclement weather
7. My rule to call on arrival to be let inside was recently ignored
8. Worker brought her kid to my home unexpectedly then left soon after then the other worker stayed, placed feet over arm of chair breaking their rule of both workers must be present for meetings
9. They monitored my Twitter at one point but it was for if I needed help and upon reading them I realized they didn't pull any that were asking for help
10. They told me they'd need 2 weeks notice if I wanted to bring city reps to meetings after already denying Councillor Ainslie then after Valentine's Day weekend rants, they emailed and called twice to arrange a last minute meeting to meet with one of the workers and Carolyn Rabbat despite both workers needing to be present and where I was bullied like an employee  who'd trashed the organizations reputation into apologizing for outting workers by name on Twitter.
11. Before I'd foolishly given permission to monitor tweets they were already pulling tweets from other account
12. Carolyn told me, upon asking for a fire extinguisher, that because I have a love of social media, I could research how to get an extinguisher online myself then when I said how I'm always accused of not trusting or accepting support, this was an opportunity to prove me wrong
13. During a trip to Centre Island in 2011, I noticed an intoxicated client and informed my worker who literally asked me to keep quiet.
14. Constantly blaming the Ministry of Health for rules regarding scheduling and staff meetings
15. Ignored all my suggestions to try and better program services
16. Each time workers change they pull this honeymoon phase where one worker can conveniently attend appointments and meet 1:1 in my apartment, then after a short time I would request a workers presence and be reminded of the supposed rules

Friday, 15 August 2014

Open letter to YWCA Toronto

Oh YWCA, where do I even begin?! I believe it was 4 years ago a worker told me my contract was only for a year and in that year they were supposed to find an alternative payment option. If I'm writing this, then you may (or may not) realize that never happened. I also asked to review my file, which I'm sure is very empty, and although I've been provided the delays of supposedly having to ask managers, it has yet to happen although I now also have a letter indicating I need to call the manager. If you incompetent morons think I'm sitting in the same room as Carolyn Rabbat who bullied me, you clearly don't know me. Fair warning, that's a phrase you'll see a lot of in this open letter. And I don't know what planet you're from but where I'm from, Earth, workers don't control the superintendents of their clients buildings. Those stupid consent forms you repeatedly ask me to sign?? I told you idiots you already had plenty of them distributed but oh needed more, so much more my former trustee asked me to ask you to stop sending them because they were accumulating the majority of his desk. Oh and how could I possibly forget when I asked for you to ensure I had everything I'd need for emergencies, long weekend's and holidays you only did it at least 5 times out of 4 YEARS!! Then I get accused of not accepting support. Well actually that was a year ago but still relevant. What were you telling me at Centre Island upon my informing you a client was intoxicated?? Oh yes that's right. Keep my mouth shut. My mouth. My words. My eyes. I see something I speak. Don't like it, FIX IT YOUR GODDAMN SELF!!! By the way, I'm finished taking heat and battling with my doctor because I'm not eating. If you can ask me to sign consent forms, you can damn well get off your ass and ask other workers for help. Why is it my responsibility to do a case manager duty when you idiots accuse me of not accepting support?? I really don't care if you like this post or not. If you can't see beyond the anger, you don't deserve that job position. Yup that's right. I said it. I'm pushing you're buttons like you've pushed mine. Don't like it?? Then solve it and NO I am not telling you how to solve it or how I think things should go. I am not doing this for you. You accuse me of not trusting you so this is your chance to prove me wrong. At one point you understood my rule of calling me to let me know you were downstairs waiting to be let inside for meetings but now you have shown great amounts of disrespect by not only having someone let you in other than me, you also managed to bring your kid to my home unexpectedly and your fucked up manager Carolyn Rabbat basically shrugged it off but quickly dismissed my bringing 2 individuals to my meeting and one was a councillor, not to mention you also called  twice after a snow storm grocery shopping trip rant on Twitter caught your eye after promising me you'd read the tweets relating to help then called once and the next day  emailed and called again claiming you were concerned for my safety which you knew to be a way to get my attention but unfortunately for you I didn't fall for your crap and immediately went to the office. Where little Carolyn was waiting with one worker despite always mentioning how both had to be present all times, and bullied me and cornered me into apologizing. I am not an employee (I thank GOD for that!!) and I shouldn't have to justify tweets which can include personal thoughts to you or anyone else unless through court. Do you think broccoli would corner people into apologizing for tweets people send saying how much they hate the vegetable?? No. So I don't either. Not to mention you ask me to be open and honest and upfront with feelings. So if you're keeping track (oh right, sorry I forgot. You do nothing for me) I've done everything that's asked of me. But I am not changing anymore of myself for you. If you have insecurities don't take it out on me. If you're stressed, don't think by changing me you'll feel better. Just because you earn a living by telling me how to live because you can't find your own happiness from within makes you my permanent enemy. Because you don't want to change. You just want to continue being stupid. I don't cater to stupidity.
When employees of YWCA Toronto brag about what you are or aren't required to do within program responsibilities, that are also found on then repeatedly accuse me of not accepting support, I laugh because I know it's untrue. I remember a specific time when I asked for help getting a fire extinguisher and you said that you'd have to ask then Carolyn said as the manager that because I have a love of social media that I could find an extinguisher myself. My response to that is simply: How is it you guys can accuse me of not asking for help when you have in fact stated that I have?? You say you aren't acting like social workers but you are. Then you say your role is case management but don't provide details and welcome venting about family and then twist my words to your advantage. But fools, you're twisting of my words just shows me that you have no reason to classify me as someone with severe mental health issues because you've twisted my words and focused on my attitude, hygiene so you can keep me as a client to earn more money.
You clearly don't know me because although you acknowledge how many resources I've gained both political and through police, you still feel the need to manipulate me to do things by saying the ministry of health isn't changing your schedule. That's not my problem. I've suggested you advocate but you shrug it off.
I finally reviewed my file. Unfortunately I got no surprises. There were references to me being diagnosed with schizophrenia, all of my family's mental health and addiction struggles and involvement with CAS. But as your client for housing, my housing issues are practically invisible. Yet you show up to my place and accuse me of not trusting you by not accepting support. How is asking for help getting furniture and a fire extinguisher not asking you for help or better yet not trusting you enough to ask for help purchasing these things?? Especially when this is what you've said is part of the job you are paid to do.
Let's not even talk about how one of my first workers left the program because SHE WAS IN CANADA ILLEGALLY!!!!!
Not helping me when I clearly ask, delays in providing my file, showing NO respect to my family or apartment, controlling the role of one of my previous superintendents, bringing your kid to my apartment unexpectedly, then breaking your own rule of both workers must be present for meetings, denying a city councillor to attend a meeting, gaining access to my building via another tenant to do a scheduled visit, and asking me to keep quiet about an intoxicated client during a trip, not doing anything about tenant I knew in shelter who would purposely follow me in my building and who approached me repeatedly to interact despite my attempts to ask her to stop, which made me feel like a prisoner in my own home. You asked me or bullied me into agreeing to not share my experiences within the involvement but it's my story. If you are troubled by my sharing these stories maybe you should look at improvements to prove me wrong.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Forever Broken

Two days ago my world was ripped apart. Native Child threw a dart that shot through my heart. But they never cared. They never wanted me there. Some say my theory isn't realistic. But like other predictions, their opinions change quick. Now I have this my give a damns busted no holds barred attitude. People still find ways to blame me shielding you from your truth. January 21, 2010 Jay Lomax had opportunity to do his job. Instead I became the worker doing everything, going nonstop. No thank yous, no debriefing, nothing. It was like watching a movie with a heartbreaking ending. Breaching client confidentiality repeatedly, ignoring firsthand witness reports of child abuse, asking for my personal information including if I was in a relationship and pregnant, denying me a worker despite being all about culture and family, not to mention putting in court papers my mom's mental health struggles and her substance abuse issues and repeating them for all 3 of my sister's kids, then telling me people change. Apparently the attitude changed once Toronto Police apprehended my niece. The workers at Native Child claimed I was speaking out of resentment towards my mom who abandoned me after birth because I have unresolved issues with her. It wasn't until I read how my mom manipulated London CAS then years later Native Child that I thought she used sexual intercourse to gain custody. Such a strong claim I know but Jay was fired from his previous job for having sexual intercourse with a female coworker so anything's possible. During my fight for access with my secondborn nephew I had a hearing with CFSRB. In the paperwork there's incriminating evidence of workers spying on my Facebook. It was a positive post because I checked with reliable sources before posting. So their best defense was to tell me I have access until November then in a plan of care in July I was told my last access would be in August. That happened August 11, 2014.

Thursday, 24 April 2014


February 3, 2014 got a call from my YWCA worker asking to meet yesterday (written February 4) with them and the manager over tweets because they were "concerned about my safety". I put quotations because there was no mention of being concerned over my safety, Twitter or not. They agreed Thursday to not springing meetings on me last minute. They agreed not to meet until a city rep was called and arrangements were made for a meeting they could attend. They agreed not to spring meetings on me. Then they fell back on their word. Not to mention they always say how there's always 2 workers involved but one was visibly absent. We brought out issues but when asked for my opinions, I got cut off and if I interrupted, I got shushed. Not only that, but the bring your toddler to work day incident was mentioned and the manager was satisfied the issue had been "resolved" and said to move on. As for city councillors, that got ignored. Then I was told about the tweets in question. I was cornered into apologizing for singling my hatred for workers. I was made to say I wouldn't trash talk YWCA. I asked about why I was doing more than my fair share. They told me about how staff meetings work and I asked why I still didn't have a fire extinguisher and the manager said its mandatory, so I said I knew but I've asked and haven't received one and the manager said since I have a love for social media I can look into how I'd go about purchasing one. Then I asked why it was my job when they accuse me of not trusting them. They were reluctant to answer. Each attempt they shifted it back to my tweets. I showed them the lease with my name on it, I shared how if they keep creating rules they can't follow for themselves, we aren't going to be able to work. Manager shared how she participated in a discussion on proper social media etiquetteand attended many events including the Garrison Ball and how she was going to change the program. Her name is Carolyn Rabbat.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

YWCA Toronto: I Can't Do This Alone

The back and forth behaviors of YWCA Toronto,how they speak with me, get me to do things they should be doing, along with the broken promises that get shoved aside in hopes I forget all need  politicians to monitor them and ensure the things I am asking for are legit, within their mandate and get done. I am not a walking consent form, I shouldn't have to share what they can easily find out for themselves but choose not to. Before I shared stuff on social media Valentines Day weekend, they told me they needed 2 weeks notice if I wanted someone attending meetings with me, but the Tuesday after, I was called for an impromptu meeting and couldn't bring anyone in short notice. Then the manager cornered me, and made me feel like she was punishing me as if I were her employee. All while one worker wasn't there despite several times telling me both workers had to be present for meetings. They also at one point kicked my brother out to meet in my apartment, then a worker brought her kid after saying a city councillor couldn't attend a meeting. They mocked my drinking on my property. They got into the lobby without me letting them in another time despite my wishes and after discussing, they saw I was upset so they were gonna cancel and bring it up at a later scheduled meeting. From the 2 weeks in between the toddler and next visit, there was no interaction whatsoever and when I inquired, all I got told was they were visiting other clients in the area. I learned last October my grocery store across the street was closing and immediately told YWCA, who still haven't found and put in place a solution to safely obtain groceries. I asked about a fire extinguisher and first aid kit and was told because of my love of social media I could look up myself how to obtain them. I've also tried asking them to help write a list of things to buy for my apartment, but they put that on my plate. The excuse is usually its not within the program mandate. At one point, I wanted to secretly record meetings but upon meeting, they inquired if I purchased one but still played the part. I never have holiday plans or dinners to attend so I ask that they ensure I have all I need before going home for the long weekends but they don't check my food supply. Referrals are usually me calling while they watch. Lise from MPP Eric Hoskins constituency office was the only one allowed so far to sit in on a meeting. The white erase board in their office used to have clients names and tasks to do with them on it. I knew mine by the issues listed. They claim the names were coded. My issues never got erased while others did. Then they wrote solutions to my problem on the board and didn't erase it until I freaked out. Not to mention attending a trip with the whole shelter to Centre Island and after noticing an intoxicated client, my worker told me to keep quiet. They claim they provide case management. I bring them housing related case management issues yet I am working my ass off risking my health in the process ensuring it gets done while they tend to other clients and get rewarded with a pay cheque. I could go on but if interested, let me know @politicalnative on Twitter

Saturday, 19 April 2014

My Problems with OPGT

1. How am I, with a shunt, unable to lift and carry things up sets of stairs, because workers haven't bothered to find supports, supposed to buy enough food with $110 weekly because asking for extra allowance for groceries is either met with a wait for a few days to receive it or I'm told my weekly allowance is for groceries and everything else then sometimes the answer flips?!?!?!
2. Not to mention my one post about my SIN card.

Friday, 28 March 2014

OPGT MARCH 28, 2014

In January 2013, I moved one floor lower in my building,and misplaced my SIN Card in the process. I immediately reported it missing to my Public Guardian and Trustee, who said once moving costs were taken care of, they'd fill out and send an application for a replacement. Over time I inquired but 1. She was hard to get a hold of, and 2. All I did manage to get were excuses so I stopped. Then my YWCA housing workers asked her for a copy of my SIN card and she faxed it over (both knew how I felt about communication and being kept in form and paper trails,yet I knew nothing until recently) Mid January my now previous trustee told me it was in and it would remain there. For safe keeping. Then January 27, 2014 she called me wanting to meet with me,but didn't specify why. I arrived Friday afternoon to her office to find another trustee with her. I was then told it was my new rep. I inquired about the SIN card in the meeting and was again told that it was on file. So about 2 weeks later,when I tried getting a phone with Fido, I was asked for my SIN card,but when I asked my new trustee, I was told the only thing on file was a copy. I reminded her of what the previous trustee said and she told me my previous previous trustee signed it out, but that I must have it. Fast forward to this week, March 24-28 and Monday, after leaving team lead and area manager voicemails which never got responses from,current rep was still saying the same thing,so I informed Minister Hoskins constituency office and Ontario Ombudsman's office, who then called OPGT. I also tried management, and got nothing. Wednesday, after growing increasingly impatient, I visited the reception of OPGT, who provided me Service Canada's number to find out if OPGT had actually sent in an application on my behalf, and when Denise confirmed my fears that they hadn't, I was not pleased. In my conversation with PGT reception, I mentioned my current trustee told me once I get my status card I'll get a new trustee, and he said she may not have understood what I meant but that I wouldn't be getting a new worker. Thursday, I heard nothing from trustee office, but Ombudsman's office left me a message. Today, I went down to College Park Service kiosk but decided to check messages. I called Ombudsman's office. I was told that yes, no application was sent, and they were going to inquire about the new worker. I wanted to know if there was anything Toronto Police could do so I went over, and they called to enforce the issue and inform PGT that they were aware, and would be kept in the loop. I then went to Aboriginal Legal Services to inform them, and learned Fido doesn't need SIN cards as proof of ID, and they issued a letter stating that, and I signed consent for communication so they could talk to PGT and the Ombudsman's office to determine the best course of action, and reported what I'd done to Police,and my contact at Ombudsman's office called so I updated her, and she was pleased, even more so because I had Police enforce that PGT management needed to return my calls, which they claim they never got. I spoke to my rep and my application was sent in today and Aboriginal Legal is hoping to work with Ombudsman's office staff to ensure I get the card despite the cut off deadline as it was beyond my control. And they are also hoping to work with them on the best possible course of action to address the unprofessional ways OPGT chose to handle this situation.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


I was reminded earlier today of the effects of committing suicide when trying to return home from my shopping trip and instead of catching the train, I had to catch a shuttle bus. While people scrambled to get on the 4 buses I patiently let fill up before getting on safely, word of a person committing suicide was spreading as the cause for the shuttle buses. But as I listened, people weren't sympathetic, they were inconsiderate, like usual, which normally doesn't affect me. But this is a perfect example as to why suicides occur. I'm no saint, and love my phone just as much as everyone else, but I also balance everything. I see things from all perspectives. I don't turn away if someone needs help. I don't know any of the details behind the tragedy today, but I don't need to. With the reactions I saw today, I think back to my choice of harming myself which was slicing my wrist in my apartment while alone, and compared it to this incident where people saw it happen, people were affected,who were strangers. My attempt, I didn't want attention, mainly because I know with suicide and the reason behind it, it was pointless as I already pointed out, and with this incident I feel the person was so distressed and not taken seriously so to pay back they ended their pain for others to see. What angers me is how people were more focused on getting on a shuttle bus instead of why the buses were being used yet these same people, if something in their world distressed them, they'd want us to stop for them. Instead now if they had friends or family, they are possibly grieving. Maybe mental health was a factor, maybe not. Nobody knows. But the bigger picture is, not giving a damn when even a stranger commits suicide and pushing and shoving to get on a bus because this tragedy derailed the usual trip but yet you still go on and share similar thoughts that I'm expressing now trying to make YOU look good. I am writing this because YOU need to stop judging, criticizing, bullying, manipulating, etc and work together, love, appreciate, help, and end all this negativity. It should never be about looks, wealth, culture, etc. Articles like this shouldn't tell you how you should be nice, considerate, have a heart, and the fact that common sense isn't so common shouldn't come from our mouths as casual as it does daily. What are you doing for your friends,family,coworkers,neighbors,etc to ensure their health and wellbeing are being looked after?? What are you doing to help others in need out so that you feel good and they are looked after and happy?? You probably have a home, a vehicle, a family, nice clothes, decent food, a job and money so why not put these luxuries some may not have to good use?? If you are judged for it, who the hell cares?? You took care of something in a good and positive way. If people have a problem with that, ask them how they'd feel if someone committed suicide because nobody cared about them enough to help them so they didn't feel that way and make them see that the best pay isn't money!! Sex, money, drugs, alcohol all have one thing in common: they aren't worth everything they paint themselves out to be. They cause some major problems that sometimes lead to suicide. But should you choose to read this and give this the same treatment as the individual who took their life, I feel bad for your inner circle of family and friends.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

R.I.P. Daina December 5th, 1996

Daina, you were taken so young, so soon. You were my dearest best friend. We did so much together. Celebrated so many milestones together. We laughed until we cried. We fought. We did it all. Then you moved away without any explanation. It was a hard adjustment. And although I learned to move on, I never forgot you. I always held hope that you would return. As years went on, and the more complicated my life became, I remember I would take the Vigon's dog out for walks because even back then I knew I connected with nature, and I remember walking and looking up into the sky and asking Creator to bring my best friend back to me and each day after, I carried on. When you were planning on moving back, I remember we had a school assembly and teachers told us of your cancer, and the reason you were moving back. Because I was not in the same class as those we once shared classes with, teachers allowed me to sit in on the assembly. I cried, but more than anything my determination for answers wanted to know why you didn't tell me you were moving, or why you didn't tell me you had cancer. I can't recall how long you were here again before you weren't, but I remember I was one of those students who was poking fun but I did it because I didn't understand and humor was my way of coping. The weekend before you passed, the guilt over poking fun about your cancer ate me up inside and February 10, after talking to our circle of friends, I vowed to apologize and talk to you to understand more, to be your friend until the end. When I got to school that Monday morning, the halls were quiet, the energy was calm, but like hospitals after or before someone has died, and walking out for recess, I saw groups of friends gathered together crying and although I thought it was strange, I went searching for our friends who were also crying, and hugging each other. "Nadia, there's no easy way to tell you this...we've been trying to find the best way..." was how they started. Naturally, I didn't take the news well, and the "cool" kids watched our friends tell me and they approached me. I finally got the strength to admit that I was ready to apologize and talk to you but now it was too late. Elsewhere on the same playground, my brother, despite being in high school, and had driven to my school once your brother, who was his best friend, told him, came looking for me to take me home. I went home, sat with the dog and cried until I fell asleep. Days later, when you're funeral had been arranged, everyone waited to see if I would be in attendance. When I showed up, I cried until the time our class performed the Camp Trillium song and then as we were leaving.
When Facebook was introduced, and I connected with old classmates, I instantly thought of you, and this time I speak of. I've never had a best friend since,but I have had and do have wonderful friends. In the many times I've packed up and moved, I've reflected and gotten so lost in thought, wondering what life would've been like for our friendship if you were still here. Now I'm 30 and days, weeks and months are rushing by so fast, it really makes me wonder and it scares me. I understand now why you chose to relocate when you did. I guess its also on my mind now that my failed reunion is coming to an end and I'm moving my way back to Simcoe. I know you're with me every step of the way and you've probably either cried, laughed or shook your head in disapproval over things I've said or done but its just not the same. Our friends have jobs, homes, families, children, and are doing well, and I am a complete mess with way too much reflection time!! I love you, Daina and always will. Best friends. <3 Until we meet again!!
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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Ontario Ombudsman

Ontario Ombudsman André Marin is every bit the man behind his Twitter account. He has a wife, children, pets, suffers from asthma, and shares these bits of his life on his account, just as the millions of others who signed up for Twitter. Are his Twitter feuds simply because he can investigate some areas of the government and not all,or because of opinions or reports after meetings and investigations? It depends on who you ask. If you think you are phasing André, I'm here to say you aren't even close. I had the privilege of meeting him this past summer, and he is everything he sets out to be online. He genuinely cares about the wellbeing of all Ontarians. I know because I had a rough night before meeting him, and at 2am, believed nobody would respond to my tweets. Then he sent me a direct message. Because I knew his staff sometimes managed the account, I asked if it was him, and when he said it was,we chatted for a short time before signing off. I understand people are going to express themselves,which is fine, but before you tweet hurtful remarks to someone who could help if you are struggling with something his office has mandate to investigate, think about what you are saying and if it would impact future assistance from his staff. There is always room for open dialogue, and both André and the general population aren't shy at expressing, but I think, we all, me included, should try to find a way to get the point across without creating too much trouble. Yes we all know what we signed up for, but our use of social media has turned most into bullies and whether you are Ontario Ombudsman or not you need to have a level of tolerance if you refuse to have a level of acceptance.
(FTR: André did not ask me to do this article)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Dear Jack Layton

I realize you're gone, but I never had the opportunity to meet you. I also realize I shouldn't be writing this when stress has taken over me and my emotions are forming a lump in my throat. I always feel like I am whining so I hope this doesn't get the same treatment. I realize that you'll never read this, but I am sharing this online because I feel like it may get something accomplished though I'm not sure what. I've heard so much about you since watching your service. There are no words I could put together to best describe how watching your service impacted my life, and me personally. I'm so lost. How do you live a life where your biological,foster,adoptive, step adoptive parents,grandparents,aunts,uncles,some cousins,disown you for the person you are simply because you were ripped of culture from your birth mom?? I've tried everything. Walks, baths, reading, writing, watching tv, smashing plates, talking, amongst other things. They say to work for what you want, things don't come for free. When I moved to Toronto, I was forced into Toronto's homeless shelter system, where I got life lessons that sent me on the right path but those days were also hiding the abuse I endured from staff and residents, verbal,sexual,physical,emotional,spiritual are all that I endured even through my struggles with my addicted family members and their issues that impacted the innocent children of my younger sister. I'm sure you're not happy with my actions or the person I've become. But we both know I am not the only one to blame.
I cut ties with family to help myself and the kids better. It wasn't easy and remains a struggle today. I last participated in my community when they were still in my life so going back into the community is going to be hard but I'm hoping to give it a try. I took a trip to Simcoe last March and by May I decided I wanted to move but kept toying with pros and cons until August. This move means I'll be permanently walking away from the one thing I've wanted my whole life. Family. Letting go and change are and always have been my weakest points. With PTSD,OCDand eating disorder behaviors, I'm not sure how this will go so I am hoping a trip to the community will help. I don't have many people to just casually call and never get visitors. But I have had the opportunity to meet Ontario Ombudsman André Marin, Police Chief Bill Blair, Lieutenant Governor David Onley, Minister Eric Hoskins, MPP Toby Barrett, some city councillors including your son Mike. I shared how after your service, I scrambled to find a skirt, then material to do a bundle (I wanted orange for NDP). Then took what I had down to the 2 trees on the property I'd started caring for. I asked Creator to give me a sign that you made your journey safely. I didn't care if that meant a squirrel coming by or the wind blowing and before the tobacco tie was placed, a squirrel approached the tree just as the wind started blowing. I'm not sure why suddenly these memories are coming back but as much as I'd like you to think I'm grateful, unfortunately I'm in such a dark place and can't. I am on Team NDP. Don't get me wrong. I just need to step aside because my heart is temporarily misplaced. I worked hard for my community and was the number 7 tweeter for the Idle No More movement. I was proud of that. I got connected to an officer who knew a friend of my mom's. He saved me from suicide although I think he should've let me do it. They say they can't help until you yourself help you first. And although I usually know how, I never had someone to care for me. People tell me its too late, it'll never happen,to move on. I do respect you enough not to discuss workers. All I will say is that relationship is and will always be toxic. Every level of government has failed me, and my community. I would participate in events, meetings and travel to get heard, make a difference, but without balance, because I don't sleep, and my stress impacts my eating habits. And not in gaining weight either. I am hoping to make my dream of touring the Coca Cola place in Toronto. OMG, I've made this about me. Because I never knew you, this letter is awkward. I remember a time my life got dark, and on Christmas break, I took a knife and sliced my wrist and didn't flinch as the knife moved my veins. Workers did nothing but add to that distress. Nothing about that's changed, except the workers. I've tried everything humanly possible but no councillors are helping. I don't want to give up, but with my history of pill popping, slicing, and taking risks, its never a far from my mind kind of thought. I don't know what I did to earn this life. Its also sad when my mother is too mentally unstable and caught up in her addictions to realize I am not to blame for my existence. I remember taking to Twitter to tweet suicidal thoughts. It was around 2am. I didn't think anyone was paying attention if they were up. But as I was about to close it, I received a private message from André Marin, whom tweets personally unless noted so imagine my shock. That approach, and interaction sticks with me. City council,311, Ontario Ombudsman, Toronto Ombudswoman can't do anything for my situation and nobody has been willing to work to get balance,except Paul Ainslie although workers are arranging meetings last minute to try silencing me and excluding outsiders. This is not the NDP way. This is not the Jack Layton Way. And yet my worker worked on your campaign. They do, say, act however they wish without consequences but if I try, all hell breaks loose. But if I play the if you can why can't I card, more responsibilities are added to my already overflowing plate. All levels of government have disrespected you by allowing this treatment of Aboriginal people continue. I hope you are the reason we had inclement weather this summer and winter because for both I struggled with eating and getting by because nobody checked on me. I miss you despite not getting to know you. I trust only your guidance. Send me messages. I'll try to listen. But know that there'll be times of frustration and things may happen. (I think you're reading this because my song changed from Get Busy to Frozen by Madonna). Miigwetch Jack (tears are flowing!!)
Nadia Joy
@nadia_fordham on Twitter

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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Why I Am A Survivor ©

This article had been one of my lifelong visions. I just never had the courage to write it due to the lack of positive surroundings. I was also reluctant because, although I screamed for attention,for a different purpose,I didn't want to be forced into the spotlight.
If someone who didn't know my story asked me why I felt I should write it now,my answer to them would be because now that I'm home,where I am connected to my roots,where I belong,despite some hardships,I'm in the right place in my life to share that dark chapter,which will begin my healing journey.
I am,in no way, shape or form doing this article out of spite for what may have happened,or may not have happened.
Although I am aware that some children apprehended by Children's Aid Societies don't often have the best experiences, with some even dying,I am grateful for surviving that. I am also grateful I was apprehended and adopted. Being removed from my mother was something I don't remember because I was so young but I was apprehended with good cause. When I share this with people, I'm often challenged because some believe,despite my explanation,I should be mad that I should walk away knowing the truth,but then there are those who support my reunion 6 years ago. I am a person who hears both arguments,considers them then combines the two in my outcome with my own insight. Should I be angry? Yes I should, if you give birth to a baby you are committing to that innocent life, and when your struggling to make ends meet yourself,how fair is it to that life who depends on you? But then,no, I shouldn't be mad because despite her struggles, with mental health and addiction,she gave me life,she didn't fight to keep me because she wanted me to have the life she knew she couldn't give me. And as a mother knows, you have to make ultimate sacrifices for your kids whether you like/agree with them. I'm not going to lie. It took years for me to be able to come to this realization. That's not to say that I didn't get angry when I was struggling through life. All I ever wanted was my mother,at times I didn't even care about her flaws,I just wanted my mother. The need for my real mother proved evident when it came to establishing a relationship with the woman,whom,along with her then husband,adopted me into their already established family of four,they had two boys who were both older than me. Not that I condone my behaviors or hers,but I think its fair to say that she didn't know how to raise a girl,much less a girl that was not biologically hers, so her interactions reflected that. Note, that this is the first time I've come to acknowledge it that way. But at the same time, I'm coming to acknowledge it in that sense,I am also conflicted because,although she tried,it still seems as though she didn't. I'm not trying to target her abilities,or start something. I just don't agree with the majority of her parenting strategies.
This next door I am opening up to share with you is extremely personal and difficult to relive even through pen and paper. Traveling again down this,the darkest part of the road,I know is key and needs to be shared in order to heal,but bare with me as I struggle to do so.
I am uncertain whether my lack of bladder/bowel control was related to stress, my birthmom's history of substance abuse or anything else. For all I know,it was all of the above. It got so bad that it had been decided that I would clean up and that meant I would be doing laundry. A girl,aged 5, in 1988 doing laundry was apparently acceptable for a parent to force upon their kids. That's one thing I didn't accept at that time, and to this day, I still don't accept it. I believe it was because of these,later diagnosed conditions,that strict and I do mean strict,limitations were forced upon me that I had to follow or the consequences would be devastating. In my defense, I was a CHILD, stressed out by the fact that strangers were providing for me and the fact that I never had the proper upbringing to gain the potty training much less anything else,and although some would think its a no brainer, which it very well may have been,but again,in my defense,I was really struggling in this new environment enforced upon me so it impacted everything. When your agreeing to love and guide,as well as provide for someone else's child, you're agreeing to teach them what their parents weren't capable of for whatever reason. I was not fortunate enough to have adoptive parents who thought the same as I did. Instead I was forced to face the ultimate punishment of washing by hand the clothes and bedding. Until it became a daily thing, for which I learned how to use the washer and dryer. It was due to this condition that I was not allowed to attend sleepovers unless the parents knew of my situation. It was due to the embarrassment of how they treated my conditions that I started to act out by lying and hiding things. I'd do it simply because for starters, I WAS A KID, and extremely stressed to say the least and when I lied, I got treated better,until they caught on. The very first time I got caught lying,I felt like I was about to transfer to a new home. I thought that was my punishment. Instead, I was introduced to writing lines. Soon, every bad thing I did resulted in me writing lines. Every line, every word,she wrote every sentence spelled correctly with a period at the end,using both sides of the paper. It got to the point I'd be woken up earlier to complete them before school,after school,sometimes skipping dinner,and on weekends and holidays. Now, remember it wasn't every single day. There were just so many days and hours. I got so rebellious I began to talk back,which I thought then was smart,but only prompted more lines. So,up until Grade 5, I enjoyed school,and up until then,excelled in it.
My adoptive older brothers were well respected in the school I attended with them. The only way I was acknowledged was as 'Dave Vigon's sister' or 'Matt Vigon's sister', which,of course,never sat well with me. As the years went on,though, I became more vocal about it,but it was more evident in my struggling years of Grade 5. My teacher,dubbed Killer Klein,with good reason,absolutely dotted on both of them,so when I approached her about the treatment I was receiving at home,it came as no surprise my claims were followed up with calls home and followed that with lines,spankings,and a bar of soap for my mouth. This treatment happened with every report,so it soon became something I expected, and made me hate the end of school days especially Fridays and holidays. My adoptive brothers were hooked on wrestling and I was often used as a guinea pig so they could practice the moves they'd see wrestlers do. I am pretty certain that the hospital trips I went through growing up were a result of the lack of discipline they gave them whenever I tried informing the adoptive parents of what they were doing to me. I still had CAS workers come by for home visits, but when I told them, the response the adoptive parents gave was that it was all in my head. So again I was ignored,while the treatment escalated. Because I also had a lazy eye,a speech impediment,and mobility issues,I also had an occupational therapist,and speech therapist visiting me. During the 1:1 times I tried confiding in them my struggles but nothing was done. It was suggested that the therapy be transferred to the school because that was where it was needed most.
It was that summer,the summer I was preparing to begin Grade 5, that our 'family' did a lot of traveling. We went to New York, Cooperstown,Cape Cod, as well as Watkins Glenn. And since my adoptive brothers were involved with Cubs and Scouts,and my adoptive parents were leaders, we were also known to participate in those activities,as well as going to baseball games because my adoptive dad was a coach,umpire,and my adoptive brothers played. We also spent many nights attending barbecues, and get togethers at one of the other Scout leaders homes. It so happened that this was also the home of my then best friend. We spent many hours imagining what it would be like if our parents split up and switched partners causing us to be stepsisters twice. Then,to my amazement, that August 3rd, weeks before Back to School shopping,my adoptive parents called us into the living room. They were divorcing. As soon as we were told, I bolted to my room, slamming the door, crying, refusing to leave. My adoptive mom was the one who left. But it didn't last because 2 weeks later, when we should've been shopping for back to school, she returned for a short time, then it truly became official. As often as I'd hoped and prayed to be "rid" of my adoptive mom, and despite being told I could choose which parent I wanted to live with, this new arrangement was still a difficult pill to swallow. Suddenly my heart was not into being the typical Grade 5 student. Somehow with school, and the pending divorce, I was forgetting that the eldest brother that I'd grown close to was heading to University of Guelph and wouldn't be at home. This truly began my journey to the dark days. I stopped taking medication, fell behind in school, refused to participate in gym class,causing my adoptive mom to encourage the teacher to use force, I also stopped eating which prompted her to leave the teacher menus in my communication book and if any items came home untouched, I'd be writing lines. I had to repeat that year, with that same teacher, only this time my adoptive parents were dating other people as was my eldest adoptive brother. And, I, of course, was not too pleased with any of it. But this time,my coping strategies involved locking myself in my room for hours writing, often getting so lost in thought I'd be missing meals and pulling late nights. When my grades got worse, the principal suggested to my adoptive parents to try counseling. This marked the first attempt at trying to build a father daughter relationship. Right now, to be honest with you, writing and reading that in memory, makes me wanna throw up over the horrible experiences. If, what I'm about to share doesn't make you wanna do the same, well, let's just hope you agree once I've shared.
Because I was so lost and confused, I could never express what I truly wanted so I often made things up. For example, the counselor suggested I list activities for my adoptive dad and I to do so that I had a sense of security I longed for, and suggested going for walks, drives, curling up and watching movies. This professional didn't seem to mind if he tweaked the activities. When we'd go for walks, I had to hold his hand (preteen years) while he drove stick shift,he wanted me to hold on to his hand but if I refused, I either got yelled at or he pulled over and I had to switch to the back seat. Then I had to go with him everywhere.
On a night, I swear that was like a movie, he came home from work, to find his own adoptive mom, and I engaged in yet another heated conversation. Did I fail to mention she moved in after the divorce?? Can you tell she was my fave?!? The night we chose to really go at it, also happened to be the night my adoptive dad came home angrier than I'd ever seen him but for some reason I was not scared. In fact, I think it only prompted me more to purposely tick him off, which of course I did. We had neighbors calling because they'd never heard us this loud before. Finally I called him out on things and to this day he denies ever having done them, while I remember every detail when he picked me up off my bedroom floor, shook me so hard, I fell and smashed my head against my water bed's headboard. We shared the kind of glance at each other like you'd see the victim and attacker exchange in the movies. More words were exchanged and I put my shoes on and bolted to the local convenience store where I knew a payphone was. It had started to pour. Don't ask me what prompted me to look in my shoe but when I did, i found $.25 which was the amount payphones took at the time. I used it to call a friend working at the local radio station but she wasn't working. So I called another friend, also a radio DJ, this time in London. After trying to tell him I wanted to die, he hooked me up with Kids Help Phone. It wasn't long after, I was sent to a group home in London,only going home on weekends they wanted to get me. It was during these visits I pulled all nighters, stopped the medications and went back to hiding them which resulted in my visits being cut. When I was discharged I let them,believe I was following their plans. Then I began slipping again, but this time I was noticing pain so I began raiding the medicine cabinet. At first a few pills worked. Then I needed more because I'd started to slice my wrists which led to bleeding and excessive pain. When we had meetings I kept hearing the same as I'd heard before and I was not about to experience a repeat. When on visits, I would raid all the places I was not allowed near like the junk food cupboard, where the emergency money was kept, and the study hall where the pens and paper meant for school were. The more junk food wrappers and scrap papers I used the more I had to hide the pills I was supposed to be taking and I also hid them under the rugs in my room. Due to my "good behavior" (okay I was a**kissing!!) I was allowed to be home for 2 weeks, for which I continued on this path but pulling all nighters and I had earned a job babysitting a young girl. I was excited. I ended up being discharged again for good behavior and for a short time I stopped the behavior. Then my adoptive mom and dad both announced they were engaged. My adoptive dad knew to ask me beforehand so as not to shock me, but the same couldn't be said for the guy who'd become my adoptive stepdad. He told my brothers before Christmas because he was proposing Boxing Day and knew my oldest adoptive brother wanted nothing to do with my adoptive mom and I believe its because she cheated on my adoptive dad with this same guy. Naturally the proposal was last and as soon as I saw what was happening, all eyes were on me waiting for my reaction. I got up and bolted to the bathroom slamming the door and locked myself in for hours. As soon as I got home, I beelined to my adoptive dad's medicine cabinet and poured the bottle down my throat crying and shaking hysterically. Luckily there wasn't many left. My next intervention led me straight to my family doctors. My behavior escalated as a result. I began eavesdropping in on my adoptive dad's calls. I learned of his thoughts of me through a journal I discovered he kept during one of those calls. Everything I was reading deeply hurt me confused me and filled me with such a rage I'd never before experienced. All I remember thinking was "If you want a good fight, you just earned it". We were forced to attend counseling again in sessions. Just me, then me and my adoptive dad,then us with my adoptive brothers. It was during a session with everyone that my adoptive dad wanted to reveal something despite my eldest brother's protests. I learned that my brothers girlfriend had shown up to the house one day with an axe trying to kill him. As it was going on, I was downstairs. Stairs weren't far from entrance and the bottom of the staircase was feet away from my room. I was not even aware of what was going on upstairs so when I finally learned, I bolted from the family session. Which led me back to another group home in London this time for a 2 year run. I had enrolled at St Thomas Aquinas but it was short lived when I told group home staff I had to participate in a strip search. With the staff, my psychiatrist, my adoptive parents and myself, my adoptive parents cut visits home and even calling home and had arranged with staff for me to start their in house school program. I loved English and Society, Challenge and Change. I got great marks on the reports and passed both which earned my calls home back. My group home worker set up a program where if I did a good deed I'd earn a reward of my choice and if I got 3 rewards a month, I'd get to go home for a weekend.
For a long run, things were calm. Then came the weddings of my adoptive parents. I tore up both invitations. Another resident, also Native, and I decided to bolt to her mom's, where I was exposed to my culture although at the time I wasn't aware. I got drunk with them and felt fine. I began dating her brother who was an alcoholic, a woman beater, in and out of jail, but this behavior for some reason seemed to make me happy. Days later I was charged with assault against his sister but after a year on probation, that I followed, both of them forgave me. It wasn't too long after probation ended that she was the one saving my life. I felt like I needed to take charge of my life and the only way I knew how was to find my birthmother. I truly believed she didn't want me to suffer but I felt if I found her and shared everything, she'd do everything she could to put an end to it all. So since I paid attention during rides home, I thought I knew the way from London to Toronto. I stopped at the convenience store but got frazzled so I hitchhiked on the highway and an older man who was probably in his 40s picked me up. By this time it was pouring out and getting late so we went to a motel. When we settled, I felt a sense of freedom that for so long had been burning inside me. I didn't know the guy I was with but at that moment where I was still rebellious and not thinking, it didn't seem to matter. When I realized I was only wearing the clothes I put on that morning, and had nothing else to put on for bed. Then there was my bladder/bowel control and the fact I'd never before seen the opposite sex in that sense for which I became tense and unsureof everything in general. This was out of my comfort zone and without any maternal guidance, I was now experiencing many things I'd never experienced but at the same time I felt like I finally bit off more than I could chew. But it was too late to back out, in my mind. He provided me a t shirt and it fit me like a nightgown. As I was putting the shirt on, I was not aware he'd already undressed and was in the only bed in the room. I got on the bed and told him I wasn't sure I was doing the right thing. He leaned over and began kissing my neck which was unexpected. But I still tried to talk my way out of the situation I was fearing would happen. But then something inside me leaned in toward him accepting the kissing. But this guy whom I'd never met before in my life took it too far and in my defense, I was afraid to speak for fear of my life although later sharing this nobody saw it that way because after all I did choose to ride in his vehicle to this motel. I never saw it that way until I was able to understand better of the danger I was fortunate enough not to face. Next thing I knew I was on the bottom and it happened. Up until then, since I'd lived a sheltered life,I'd never been exposed to sex or the opposite sex's body parts (minus times of sleeping in adoptive dad's bed beside him) and so for me seeing his penis then go in almost made me throw up. I raced to the bathroom just after he reassured me despite my hyperventilating and him going in, I got myself together out of shock and partially happy because I believed I had just had sex (stop laughing!!) I quickly called my friend to tell her about it and when she got specifics from me she determined it wasn't sex that I'd in fact been raped and despite any issues prompting me to run away, I should consider coming back to talk to my worker. After much encouragement, I convinced her I'd be home the next day. The guy dropped me off in front of the former MuchMusic building and bolted. Cops picked me up and when it was discovered that I was running from London, plans were made and I was on the next Greyhound back home. Things didn't get any better. I dropped out of the in house schooling, refused to continue volunteering, kept taking mental health days, sleeping and avoiding the world outside my room, lying to everyone. As if they hadn't already been told many times before I was again asked what would make me most happy and when I said being home with my adoptive family you'd think they'd be happy I wanted to be with them but no, they were reluctant until turning 18 meant they had to take me which I had turned. Being this age meant I was no longer eligible for supports from these 2 group homes I'd frequented. I considered this as a challenge the next time I was set off. Little did I know of the plans being put in place, that they were ensuring I would not be able to pull any of my "stunts". But by this time I was thinking of being the opposite of what was normally expected of me. Meaning, I'd been a pain before, so now I was going to be better than good, do things unexpectedly that normally would've caused a fight. They, along with workers were confused. They didn't know how to react. Then they started tossing little curves in their approach. They assumed I wouldn't notice, so when they were denied access inside my place, where I resided with a family through Community Living's room and board program, the lady I was renting from stepped in. Issues came up with the trustees assigned, the family I lived with, Community Living workers as well as my adoptive families. But we always worked them out because the lady I lived with acted as a mediator and on several visits had lengthy conversations because when I'd freak out or cry, she waited for me to have my moment and calmed down before having lengthy conversations that either saw me crying because I was now starting to truly understand my emotions and realized I was having enough. Despite policies of not allowing clients into homes of staff, workers I had often invited me in, letting me go for weekends as part of respite to the family I rented from. This gave them free time but it also gave me free time so I could sleep in, as I had no chores and could get lost in my new found love for nature, write and really explore to learn more about myself.
With my activities now including volunteering with Ontario Special Olympics and Black Cap Players Music and Mime Trouppe as well as for Community Living where I learned sign language as well as Facilitated Communication to be able to properly communicate with clients so I could provide better advocacy support for them, I was also working on stories, songs and even wrote a script. With Special Olympics, I started as a participant participating in darts and bowling both of which I also participated in tournaments. I was so preoccupied that I sometimes thought I'd already taken meds, when in fact, I hadn't. This caused problems for my volunteering as well as for the lady I lived with. And like everything else, it escalated. One Christmas break, we got into such a fight I was left with bruises and scratches that while bathing, I was afraid they'd fade but didn't. I showed staff while volunteering. They were already not too pleased I lived with her as she had a shady past with them. That same afternoon, it was determined that when I went home my caseworker would be there to closethe file and transfer me to my next destination. I would spend the next month and a half in a room at the Comfort Inn because no other homes in the program would have me, or so they told me, which was proven to be 100% untrue. But by now it came as no surprise. I realize the adoptive parents mission to make me out to be some sort of lying unstable person was being achieved but sadly I didn't realize until after the fact. I went from the hotel and in a short time I'd moved from 4 different apartments. The interactions I had with the adoptive parents were rocky as were the ones with workers. When things became too much, I called my adoptive family who only acted cold and distant. So my workers then placed me in another room and board situation this time the difference was that it wasn't a family unit, it was a transitional home for patients leaving the psychiatric facilities. If I thought I had it bad, which in some ways, I did, this was my wake up call. I was able to see things from a totally new perspective which in turn made me more accepting and appreciative of the things I had and the people in my life that I now had to work hard at gaining trust back from for which for some reason made me,calm and I was grateful for. The staff, oftentimes, relied on me when they were busy and one needed to talk. I didn't mind the distraction but there were days I wasn't around and would come home to find police, paramedics, or firemen in the kitchen. Those scenes were never easy for me. It gave me a new light into mental illnesses I'd never known before. I'd always believed you get diagnosed based on situations your dealing with followed by some pill to control it. Then one day I got my moment. I received a call from Alice McDonald founder of the Canadian Adoptees Registry. To this day I still cannot put into words what I felt upon Alice's shocking revelation that my mother had been found. Especially since my adoptive parents painted her as a bad person and at times convinced me she'd died. Then my shock escalated upon getting her phone number. I was shaking dialing the number but,quickly calmed and we spoke for 3½ hours. Afterward I called my adoptive dad to brag that he was wrong.

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